Established 17 years ago in 2008 Kent Mole Catcher has extensive knowledge on the behaviour and movement of moles. With this we offer an all-inclusive service guaranteed to eradicate moles.
We strictly use only traditional trapping techniques, which allow us to quickly get rid of moles from gardens, paddocks, farms and public/commercial areas with approved humane traps. We do not use any poisons or chemicals. Trapping is the most environmentally friendly and humane method to control moles.
The traps are safely set under the ground away from children and pets and clearly marked.
Although live catch traps are available and legal, they are considered inhumane. This is because moles have a very high metabolic rate and need to consume 70-100% of their body weight in worms and grubs each day. If the mole survives the stress of being caught in a live trap then it may actually have starved to death by the time it is discovered and released. And if by chance it did survive then you have the problem that it is illegal to release vermin onto other peoples land.
They are known as ‘velvet coated gentlemen’ but if you have a problem with moles in your garden, it is unlikely you will reference them so fondly. They are classified as vermin and moles are notoriously one of the hardest pests to eliminate unless you can read their movement and feeding patterns.
The majority of people will go through their whole life without ever catching sight of a mole but we are all familiar with molehills. Not only will you see a scattering of molehills, but you may also see subsidence or dips in the lawn where the ground on top is giving way, unsupported underneath after so much earth has been excavated.
If you notice or think you have a growing problem with moles, it pays to tackle the problem sooner rather than later. Moles can dig up to 5 metres an hour! Working 24 hours a day in 4 hour cycles it doesn’t take long for things to deteriorate.
During breeding season (Typically February to June) males will tunnel over large areas in search of a mate and then with large litters they quickly multiply in areas increasing the problem.
We offer a bespoke service as each situation is different and depends on the size of the area to be cleared.
The number of moles you have depends on a few things. Generally if you call after the first signs of mole
activity then it will be just the one mole. Then there would be a one off call out fee and price per mole
The longer a mole is left without calling a mole catcher then there is more chance of others moving in (especially during breeding season).
On larger jobs like farms the moles will happily share runs meaning a large number can be caught from a very small area. This could be very costly if charging per mole.
Our all-inclusive service will clear the site and guarantee to eradicate all moles no matter how many, with no call out fee and unlimited callouts. It’s quite labour intensive usually taking an average of 4-6 weeks and then we will return within one month of eradication.
When tackling a large mole infestation it’s financially beneficial for the customer to take out a annual contract with Kent Mole Catcher ensuring not only all the present moles are caught but any future invaders are kept at bay.
Moles may help transmit human diseases.
There are no infectious diseases that humans acquire directly from moles but ticks that jump from moles to household pets and other wildlife and then to humans sometimes transmit hantavirus or tick-born encephalitis. Moles can also be infested with kissing bugs that transmit Chagas disease.
Why mole control is required
Besides the most obvious unsightly damage of the molehills it is the network of underground tunnels the mole creates which can present a much greater threat, by undermining footpaths, driveways, ponds, shallow foundations and flowerbeds.
Their tunnel networks can be so intricate, with so many pathways criss-crossing that the strength of the ground can be compromised – hence lawns can collapse! Your plants in your beds and borders can suddenly start to disappear beneath soil level as subsidence occurs within the flowerbed or an entire row of vegetables could be excavated from below.
They kill small plants by shifting the earth beneath them causing the plants to suffer from drought because the soil is no longer in contact with the roots. Often when the tunnels collapse subsidence occurs, everything starts to topple inwards, and plants can literally fall over. Their tunnels expose the roots of trees and shrubs to be attacked by voles and weasels. Areas of arable land can also suffer with damage to the roots of young plants resulting in the wilting of crops which can reduce the yield.
Moles can become so numerous that the soil they push to the surface covers the ground and smothers grass reducing the amount of grazing area available to live stock and can contaminate silage with bacteria such as listeria.
These mounds of soil act as an excellent seabed for weeds, which is also detrimental to areas of pasture, and is also inclined to make the surface of the lawn rather slippery.
They can disrupt lawn irrigation systems and bring stones to the surface of a lawn, create uneven ground and soft spots which can, cause injury to livestock, especially horses, or damage farm machinery, or that can get caught in lawn mowers and weed eaters.
Some of the mole control carried out on amenity areas can be for purely aesthetic reasons, but the majority is carried out for practical, financial or safety reasons, for example moles on a bowling green, cricket pitch, football pitch, or golf course is simply impractical, it may result in a loss of revenue to the facility providers and cause damage to grass cutting machinery. In public gardens or parks walkers, joggers, the elderly or children may trip on the uneven ground, the moles may undermine footpaths or wall footings and members of the public could be at risk of injury.